Gregor Schreiber


“Through the digitalisation of communication, political processes are becoming more transparent, while debates are becoming both broader and more pointed at the same time. It is therefore essential at an early stage to develop a multi-stakeholder strategy for relevant topics, based on mappings of the key players, possible scenarios and authentic messages. This creates the basis for navigating relevant debates; anything else would be flying blind.“


SKM Consultant since 2020


Previous professional experience

  • bcw (Burson, Cohn & Wolfe), Berlin: Director/Vice President of Issues & Public Affairs
  • Burson-Marsteller, Berlin: Director/Team Lead of Technology & Media
  • Klenk&Hoursch, Frankfurt (am Main): Corporate Communications Consultant
  • Welt Online, Berlin: Freelancer in the Business Department



  • fischerAppelt, Berlin: Traineeship in PA/Public Campaigning
  • Studied Political Science at the Free University of Berlin. Degree: Diploma
  • Studied International Relations at the University of Canterbury. Degree: Diploma